
Thursday, April 16, 2009

E got his Pneumoccal Jab today

Well, since Ernest is one, it's time to give him the jab:

This is Ernest at the clinic before the jab:

This is Ernest after the jab:

I was very surprised as I heard a lot about this jab, thought Ernest is going to be cranky and moody but NO. It is the complete opposite. He was such a dear today. When the DR jabbed him, he cried but he stopped immediately when DR gave him a sticker. And no cranky and moody baby on the way home and at home.

Ernest : You are a big boy now so must behave. Keep up the good job!

Oh, I am very proud of myself. I brought Ernest to the jab all by myself :)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Practice Catwalk

E loves to walk up and down the living room and most of the time, dragging one of my handbags:

I can shake my head

E has learnt sth new, to shake his head, but think he doesn't associate it to no yet.

An attempt of cupcakes for E's b'day

My Second attempt of baking cupcakes and it was a DIASTER!!!!!! Bought the wrong paper, so cupcake turn out to be square :(

Celebrated with Apr Babies:

Celebrate with family:

Cheeky Fellow

We went to Swenson to celebrate E turning 1 on 10 Apr 2009. And guess what he did in front of camera:

I notice mummy taking photo of me:

Quickly hide:

Oki, jus one nice shot, k:

Monday, April 6, 2009


The numbers of presents:

Letting little Ernest unwrap the presents in the morning:

All are MINE:

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ernest 1st Year B'day Celebration

It's the day... the day which I have been preparing for. The party to celebrate that I have survived one year of motherhood and my precious has grown from an infant to toddler.

The minimum decoration of the function room:

The main decoration and the birthday boy:

More photos will be uploaded once I gotten hold of it.

Ernest's thought:
Didn't take any photo during the party as mummy was busy entertaining the guests. And a BIG THANK YOU to all great-grandpa, grandpa, grandma, grant-aunt, grand-uncles, aunties, uncles, cousins, kors kors, jies jies, di di and mei mei for attending my party. Though half the time I was just playing and enjoying myself. Hope all has enjoyed the party as much as me :)